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Sending a JPEG Image?

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Author Post
Aug 2017
Location: Palo Alto, Ca, United States of America
I have been using smstools3 since 2008 running on a small ARMLINUX based box (known as the "PogoPlug Mobile - Series 4" Device) and have really enjoyed hosting and supporting a small SMS server for my family and friends! It now even controls my garage door with an access control list based authorization of cell phone numbers.

I've searched this forum for guidance, however, I have not been able to find anything helpful.

I would like to send a JPEG image file to an SMS recipient. I see that the "Binary Data" example for sending a "WAP Push" may be the basis for what I want, however, I'm at a lost as to how...

The "WAP Forum" does define an encoding type of "image/jpeg" with a code value of "0x1E". I'd like some help on what the source "SMS Text File" would look like to send a JPEG image as binary data to a phone?

Thanks, in advance for any assistance you all can provide.

Aug 2017
Location: Palo Alto, Ca, United States of America
Topic owner
It would seem that the "Another example, Wap Push with Hex presentation, available since version 3.0" example could be the basis for sending the JPEG, however, I would like guidance on modifying the example from sending a "application/vnd.wap.sic (0x2E)" to sending "image/jpeg (0x1E)"?

Any suggestions?

Also, where can I find the info used to create that example?


The above referenced example is located here:

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