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Server Status

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Author Post
Aug 2017
Location: Queensland, Australia
Is there an easy way to determine the SMS server status i.e. no errors, processing files as normal?

I am trying to determine the server status from a c++ application to detect if the modem has stopped responding (a hangover from an earlier post "Modem Registration Delay Parameter").


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Status monitor produces a file which tells what modems are doing.

Global settings in smsd.conf:
stats = /var/spool/sms/stats
stats_no_zeroes = yes
stats_interval = 0
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

The result is for example:
# cat /var/spool/sms/stats/status
Status: 17-08-02 19:59:14, i---------------------------------------------------------------
GSM1: 17-08-02 19:59:08, Idle, 24563, 0, 74, ssi: -73 dBm (Excellent)
The status in the first line can be:

s = sending
r = receiving (or checking received SM)
i = idle
b = blocked (after multiple errors)
t = trouble
- = not configured

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