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BlockAfter - what will happen with unsent SMS

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Author Post
Jan 2010
Location: Slovak Republic

what will happen with sms in queue if modem is blocked after X error for Y seconds

Are they requeued to other modem if possible or are they marked as failed, or are they just waiting ?

Thank you

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Messages are not requeued, but if there are other modems serving the same queue, they will send messages. If only one modem is serving the queue and gets blocked, messages are waiting.

Jan 2010
Location: Slovak Republic
Topic owner
Thank you for answers

Jan 2010
Location: Slovak Republic
Topic owner
Did I get whole process right with my use case.

Use case:
I'm writing SMS files directly to modem queue, not to outgoing folder ( I need to choose which modem exactly will send particular sms )

a.If error occures, then process sleeps for "errorsleeptime" - sms waiting
b.If error occures "blockafter" times, then modem is blocked for "blocktime" - sms waiting
c.After "blocktime" system check, if sms sending should be retried ( from parameter send_retries) - if not, sms is marked as failed

If I set sms header Retries:0, then SMS will wait in steps a., b. and then set as failed.

Did I get it right?

Thank you

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