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[answered] How to send USSD code with smstools3

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Author Post
Aug 2017
Location: Iran, Iran
Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04
Version of smsd: 3.1.21
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem: GSM Modem- D-Link DWM-157
Interface: USB /dev/ttyUSB1

Hi. I want to know how can I send USSD code with smstools3. I tested sending USSD code via a separate code written in python, but it seems it is not working properly when smstools3 is running!! I think the commands get conflict with smstools3. Due to this issue, I wonder to know is there any way to send USSD code for retrieving the balance and recharging the SIM CARD with smstools3?
Any help is appreciated.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
For retrieving the balance see this topic for example:
Sample config and script for regular_run and balance of prepaid SIM using USSD

For recharging you can put suitable USSD command to the regular_run_cmdfile and smsd will send it to the modem.

See also other regular_run settings. For example you can create a python script which does the job. Two programs cannot use the same modem at the same time, but when regular_run is executed, smsd will wait and the modem is closed while the script is running.

Aug 2017
Location: Iran, Iran
Topic owner
Thank you. The first link you provided says it is working on version 3.1.7 or later. I have 3.1.21. Does it work properly on my version too?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Yes, it should work properly.

Aug 2017
Location: Iran, Iran
Topic owner
I tested it. It is working properly. Thank you.

Aug 2017
Location: Iran, Iran
Topic owner
Excuse me to reopening this post. I defined regular_run and regular_run_cmdfile as you said. I was getting the right result after executing the USSD codes in regular_run_cmdfile but now I see the following error in the logs:

What did happen? I did not change anything but I get error!!!

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