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Huawai - outgoing sms doesn't work

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Author Post
Sep 2017
Location: Graz, Austria
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 16.10
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: apt- smstools
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawai E169/E620/E800 HSDPA Modem
Interface: ttyUSB0


I'd like to send sms by my huawai modem via command line.
The system know's the modem and up to "waiting for message" it looks good - i think.

but when i send a sms by:
adding textfile into /var/spool/sms/outging/
i got timeouts and an unknown error:

the system config is set back to basics:

i've test it with some settings i've found but i i always have same error msg.
sending sms over the windows client works. so the functionality should be available of the stick.
i've also tested the "smcs = 43680xxxx" but at the PDU String the smcs string is always blank.
i've also tested "init = AT+CMGF=1", at first, the system writes that this is set, but at sending the sms the system select PDU Mode with zero.

and i added all at udev settings:

can anybody help me please - i've no idea at the moment.

thanks very much.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
To include smsc in the PDU, a modem setting smsc_pdu = yes is required. However, usually there is no need to set smsc at all.

You could check what ports are provided by the modem. Usually there are more than one ports, and for example /dev/ttyUSB2 could be used.

Ascii mode (AT+CMGF=1) is not supported because it is too limited.

Sep 2017
Location: Graz, Austria
Topic owner

thanks for answer.
i've added smsc_pdu = yes into the config file.

with ttyUSB2 it doesn't work - modem not found, but with USB0 i got now an other error.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
It looks like your modem supports PDU mode, as it talks about invalid parameter. However, there is a bug in smsd, length of PDU is given incorrectly to +CMGS command. Length of smsc should not be counted. Correct number is 19, not 26. I have to fix this in the next version.

As the setting smsc_pdu cannot be used, I currently have no any idea about the error. Have you checked the destination number, and is it surely GSM number?

Can you receive messages with this device and SIM? Set incoming = yes and memory_start = 0 to try.

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