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Smstool instalation guide

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Author Post
Dec 2017
Location: Western, Sri Lanka
Operating system name and version:
Version of smsd: Version 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: package repository (yum)
Name and model of a modem : (12d1:14fe) Huawei E 303
Interface: USB

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I have "CentOS release 6.9 "
Can you guide me to configure smstools to send bulk sms with GUI interface.


[root@sms ~]# ps -ef | grep sms
smstools 812 1 0 14:45 ? 00:00:00 smsd --v
smstools 813 812 0 14:45 ? 00:00:00 [smsd] <defunct>
root 903 31884 0 14:50 pts/2 00:00:00 grep sms

[root@sms ~]# sendsms 0714435846 'Hellow'
-bash: sendsms: command not found

Thanks /

Prabhath Samarasinghe

Jan 2018
Location: Austria
You did not say nor show whether you properly configured smstools, hence whether your modem/phone etc. is actually working. Assuming you did go through all of "Basic information" and checked the log files for errors:

sendsms is not a command provided by the package. It is an example script (which probably is part of the package) that you are supposed to adapt and install.

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