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[answered] Error sending message to short phone numbers

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Sep 2009
Location: Poland

I had a problem sending sms to 4 digit phone numbers in orange poland.
sendsms 7005 "MESSAGE"

errors look like this:
2009-09-11 14:58:08,7, GSM1: Explanation: Short message transfer rejected
2009-09-11 14:58:08,3, GSM1: The modem said ERROR or did not answer.
2009-09-11 14:58:08,5, GSM1: Waiting 10 sec. before retrying

the error looks like that was incorrect format of phone number

Of course when I send messages to normal phones with country code in front it works fine (48xxxxxxxxx)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Usually those kind of short numbers must be given with 's' prefix, for example s7005. Without 's' the smsd will use international format for the number and it does not work with short numbers.

In some cases 's' may not work as it defines "Unknown" Type Of Address ("numbering plan"). Some service centers may require "National" format to be used. Version 3.1.5 can handle this with a header To_TOA: National.

See fileformat for more details.

Sep 2009
Location: Poland
Topic owner

"s" prefix works perfectly

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