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What will happen if the "regular_run_interval" is set to 0?

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Author Post
Feb 2018
Location: Germany
What will happen if the "regular_run_interval" is set to 0?

In the documentation I can read:

Describes number of seconds between each run. Value 0 disables this feature.

I understand that the recurring "Interval" feature is disabled.

But unclear is ...
in the case the file "regular_run_cmdfile" is created will that be run once and finally deleted?

Feb 2018
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Would be great if it could be used on demand if the "regular_run_interval" is set to 0.

In the case ...
a "regular_run_cmdfile" is created/detected/does exists
then the "regular_run_cmdfile" will be run (once) and
then the "regular_run_cmdfile" will be deleted.

Then the regular_run_statfile" should/could be stay until a new "regular_run_cmdfile" is created.

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