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[answered] SMSTOOLS3 for Zabbix

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Author Post
Sep 2009
Location: VTE/Laos, Laos

The smstools3 can implement with Zabbix ?
and My cell phone is Nokia N75
Please recommend me.



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
It seems that smstools3 can be used with Zabbix. I do not use Zabbix by myself, but from it's documentation the following can be found: "Custom script. ZABBIX passes three command line parameters to the script: Recipient, Subject and Message". This kind of script can create outgoing SMS file, like sendsms does.

There is also built-in support for sending SMS, but, of course, with smstools3 and a suitable modem much more messaging can be done.

Nokia N75 is a Symbian smartphone (S60 based). Those devices can be used for sending, but not for receiving messages. I recommend to buy a real modem, for example some device with a Wavecom chip.

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