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Limited SMS sending with multiple modems, fast as possible

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Author Post
Oct 2018
Location: Ukraine
Operating system name and version: Debian 9
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: mixed
Interface: USB

Dear developers, I'm new in this SMS Server, tried to configure use 10 modems with sending limited SIM cards without luck. Please help me and pointing to the right way also show me a piece of configuration file how I can do this task, more details:
- Have a lot of Sim cards but must be set sending limit (example: based on the sender phone number, or simple fix limit for 1 sending process)
- Have 10 USB modems, need to send fast as possible
- Not need to group recipient country, network also not really possible while have a lot different

The one time sending should be working on this way:
- SIM cards inserted into the 10 modems
- PHP create message files (as needed (as you say)) and insert in any directory (as you say)
- Start the sending process
- If one modem sent "x" messages then stop
- When the last modem stopped then finished the sending
- Go to change the SIM cards and start from the first line

Very important: No one modems allowed to send more SMS like pre-set (while the tariff plan included "x" daily limit, over the limit the SMS sending is very expensive)

Please help me and show me how to configure.

Thank you.
Happy SMS sending for everyone!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Please check these two modem settings, they may be useful in your setup:

message_limit = number

message_count_clear = number of minutes

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