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ttyACM not working with smstools?

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Oct 2018
Location: Netherlands
Operating system name and version: Debian Stretch (Raspbian)
Version of smsd: 3.1.15 (default with apt-get on this version of OS)
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Quectel M35 Revision MTK 0828 (This is a simmodem with 16 SIM slots)
Interface: USB

Alright, I am having trouble getting this 16-slot modem to work with smstools on my Raspberry Pi 3.
It is working well with Gammu and also with gammu-smsd, so the sims and the modem are OK.
The sims (AND SMStools work perfect when I insert it into a K3765 modem, --> Only difference is this: /dev/ttyUSB0)

Each of the SIM slots in the modem are visible: /dev/ttyACMx (where x=0-15)

Issue is that, somehow, it cannot find the incoming SMS on the SIM. (Only intend to use it for incoming SMS, sending is not important)

I will add my config + some logging in a second post, as I am on another pc right now.

Oct 2018
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner

# /etc/smsd.conf
# Description: Main configuration file for the smsd

devices = GSM1,GSM2,GSM3,GSM4
#devices = USB1
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
logfile = /var/log/smstools/smsd.log
infofile = /var/run/smstools/smsd.working
pidfile = /var/run/smstools/
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
stats = /var/log/smstools/smsd_stats

#log_read_from_modem = yes
#status_include_uptime = yes
use_linux_ps_trick = yes
loglevel = 7
#delaytime = 10
#errorsleeptime = 10
#blocktime = 3600
#stats = /var/log/smsd_stats
#stats_interval = 3600
#stats_no_zeroes = no
#checkhandler = /usr/local/bin/smscheck
receive_before_send = no
# autosplit 0=no 1=yes 2=with text numbers 3=concatenated
#autosplit = 3
# store_received_pdu 0=no, 1=unsupported, 2=unsupported and 8bit, 3=all
#store_received_pdu = 3
#validity = 255
#decode_unicode_text = yes
#internal_combine = no
# You can specify here an external program that is started whenever an alarm occurs.
# alarmhandler = /path/to/an/alarmhandler/script
# Specifies what levels start an alarmhandler. You can use value between 2 and 5.
# alarmlevel = 4
# eventhandler = @EVENTHANDLER@
#blacklist = /etc/smstools/blacklist
#whitelist = /etc/smstools/whitelist

init = ATE0
device = /dev/ttyACM0
incoming = high
#memory_start = 0
baudrate = 115200
check_memory_method = 3
#check_network = 2
pin = ignore
read_timeout = 10
#report = yes
report_device_details = yes

init = ATE0
device = /dev/ttyACM1
incoming = high
#memory_start = 0
baudrate = 115200
check_memory_method = 3
#check_network = 2
pin = ignore
read_timeout = 10
#report = yes
report_device_details = yes
init = ATE0
device = /dev/ttyACM14
incoming = high
#memory_start = 0
baudrate = 115200
check_memory_method = 3
#check_network = 2
pin = ignore
read_timeout = 10
#report = yes
report_device_details = yes

init = ATE0
device = /dev/ttyACM15
incoming = high
#memory_start = 0
baudrate = 115200
check_memory_method = 3
#check_network = 2
pin = ignore
read_timeout = 10
#report = yes
report_device_details = yes
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi


I am 100% sure each SIM has at least 1 SMS... But somehow it is not showing...
This is the attempt with check_memory_method = 3

0,1,2 and 3 are not working so far... I feel it has something to do with that... not sure.

Output of lsusb:

The Exar Corp. devices are the simmodems somehow.

Output of ls /dev/ttyACM* -al

I am really at loss here, been tinkering around for days already...
There is ERROR in the logs: "Modem did not accept the pre-init string"

Anything I can do, to make it all work... ?

Oct 2018
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
OK, installed latest version. checkl_memory_method = 4 solved the pre-init error it seems...
But still no received SMS messages :(


Result with only 1 modem setup:

Oct 2018
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
Alright, digging deeper again...

2018-10-24 13:50:33,6, GSM1: Checking memory size
2018-10-24 13:50:33,7, GSM1: -> AT+CPMS?
2018-10-24 13:50:33,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer. (5)
2018-10-24 13:50:33,7, GSM1: <- +CPMS: "ME",0,10,"ME",0,10,"SM",1,25 OK
2018-10-24 13:50:33,6, GSM1: Used memory is 0 of 10
2018-10-24 13:50:33,6, GSM1: No SMS received

This tells me there is 1 SMS on the SIM actually...?
1 out of possible 25.

But somehow SMSTools only checks ME... What setting is needed to check the actual SIM (1 of 25)?
Guess that would solve the issue? :)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Try this setting:

init = AT+CPMS="SM","SM","SM"
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Oct 2018
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
Ah, you are fantastic!!

That worked out perfectly...
Please find my donation to buy yourself a beer :-)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland

As you have many similar devices in your setup, have you noticed that the configuration can be shortened like this:

init = AT+CPMS="SM","SM,"SM"
incoming = high
#memory_start = 0
baudrate = 115200
check_memory_method = 3
#check_network = 2
pin = ignore
read_timeout = 10
#report = yes
report_device_details = yes

device = /dev/ttyACM0

device = /dev/ttyACM1
device = /dev/ttyACM14

device = /dev/ttyACM15
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Oct 2018
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
lol, I was just thinking about that as a feature, when I was inserting this for all 16 sims...
Thanks again for your support and hard work!

Mar 2021
Location: United Kingdom
Hi @glassie, did you need to do anything special to get the modem pool working with your raspberry pi? I'm trying to do the same thing but having problems with Linux not creating the ttyACM files.

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