Operating system name and version: Windows Server Enterprise 2008 Service Pack 2
Version of smsd:
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter...

when sending a message from two service providers come statuses:
2018-11-06 09:24:28,5, GSM5: SMS sent (part 1/2), Message_id: 205, To: 7xxxxxxxxxx, sending time 8 sec.
2018-11-06 09:24:36,5, GSM5: SMS sent (part 2/2), Message_id: 206, To: 7xxxxxxxxxx, sending time 8 sec.

2018-11-06 09: 24: 39,5, GSM5: SMS received (report, Message_id: 205, Status: 0, Ok, short message received by the SME)
2018-11-06 09:24:54,5, GSM5: SMS received (report, Message_id: 206, Status: 69,Error,no interworking available)

other operators messages are sent successfully.
what is the problem with?