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tcp/ip server for AT commands

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Author Post
May 2012
Location: Krasnodar, Russian Federation

There is the big problem with serial port modems.
Because of only one program can occupy the serial port.

For example, I need sms server running while my GUI need additional info about sim/net/operator/signal and other information.
So there is no any decision eccept of running multiplexing (if kernel&modem allow this feature).

I think will be good idea to add some tcp server inside of you smstools, wich can be used for comunication with modem.

The other (maybe simple) way: add to your config at commands wich your smstool will send every X seconds and cache the replies.
Atfer this, cached replies can be provided to any clients.

Thank you!

« Last edit by simark1979 on Sun Feb 24, 2019 19:17, 65 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Please check regular_run settings for a modem. There are several settings available, to allow use of fixed AT-commands, or commands from a file. You can also create an external script or program which can use the modem, because under the control of smstools the modem is available without any multiplexing or tcp server.

May 2012
Location: Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Topic owner
Thank you!

That`s what I need.

Sorry for disturbance

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