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[solved] how to send *888# command?

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Author Post
Sep 2009
Location: east java, Indonesia
hi expert,
I have tried to request status of prepaid card with query "*888#".
I put the line in the file following /etc/smsd.conf:

when i check /var/spool/sms/reguler_run_statfile,
the result was not what I expected.
2009-09-25 15:13:17,5, modem1: CMD: AT+CUSD=1,"*888#": OK +CME ERROR: 258
why get out error that my modem busy?
what wrong my code?



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Your version of smsd is probably 3.1.5, right?

What is the modem you are using? This information is important and useful, and because of this, a new topic was trying to ask it...

At least some modems accept this kind of command using the format like:


Can you try it with ,0;?

Sep 2009
Location: east java, Indonesia
Topic owner
thanks keke for the quick response :),
I've used version is 3.1.5
my Modem is USB HSDPA Sierra 885U,

I also have tried to add the numbers 0, but the results remain the same



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I did not find the manual of AT command set for this device, so I cannot check what is the correct syntax for CUSD. :(

Perhaps you had a network connection active and therefore you got CME 258 (Phone is busy). If you had, you could try again with phone idle.

Sorry, I cannot help you with this issue. :( Those codes varies by device and by operator and I do not know what codes your operator uses.

Sep 2009
Location: east java, Indonesia
Topic owner
thanks keke,
i've found AT command reference for my sierra modem at
But i dont know where part can solve my problem :( .
i hope you can help me... :)

i get some information that AT+CUSD=1,"*888#" can run successfull on other device with the same operator. i think my device is bad :(



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for the link. That document however did not say nothing more than CUSD is "supported"...

In a topic title you wrote *#888#, but you obviously mean and have tried *888# ?

You could try if CUSD is in any form supported by your device:
- stop the daemon ( using the sms3 script ).
- start smsd in communication mode:
smsd -C modem1

- follow the instructions on terminal, and after "Ready" response, type ATE1 (and Enter).
- next type AT+CUSD? (and Enter).
- exit with Ctrl-C and restart a daemon using sms3, if you had to stop it for this test.

What was the response?

What has been that other device, name and model? And was the command exactly the same, and with similar SIM card? Is it possible that it was tried with ,15; at the end of command?

Sorry, lot of questions, but as already said, I do not have answers... :(

Sep 2009
Location: east java, Indonesia
Topic owner
thanks keke,
sorry for my wrong title, i mean *888# :)
i've try your tips, below the result:

about the other device, i've found on my country forum, unfortunely they do not tell device name & model. the SIM card similiar.

thanks for the tips:)



Sep 2009
Location: east java, Indonesia
Topic owner
i've used with 15 at the end of the command, its work !! :D
this is the result:

nice to discuss with u, thanks so much :)



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