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Multi Module support

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Author Post
Apr 2019
Location: Shandong, China
Operating system name and version: Openwrt
Version of smsd: 3.1.20
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere... Based on SMS Server Tools 2,
Name and model of a modem / phone: EC20
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter... ttyUSB5

My question is :
I have multi module installed in my device, is smstools support operate multi modules in one configuration files?
Or should i copy multi configuration files and start a new process for each module?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
When each module uses its own ttyUSB port, you just need to define multiple devices with the devices setting, and modem section for each device.

Apr 2019
Location: Shandong, China
Topic owner
keke wrote
When each module uses its own ttyUSB port, you just need to define multiple devices with the devices setting, and modem section for each device.

Is that possible every Module use a different /spool/ inbox outbox ?
If i use multi module in a same /spool, if one module fail to send message ,the other module will retry? or retryed by the same module?

Apr 2019
Location: Shandong, China
Topic owner
I means if multi module use the same /spool directory, if one module send sms failed, will the smstools use another module to send

Are there any concurrency problems when multi module use the same inbox/outbox

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