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Replace sms

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Author Post
Apr 2019
Location: Alken / Limburg, Belgium
OS: Arch Linux
Version of smsd: Latest
Smsd installed from: Aur user package repository
Name and model of a modem: Qualcomm HSDPA
Interface: USB

i like to send self replacing sms with the header Replace
But i can not get i to work can anyone tell me howto use the header.

I don't know were to put the second sms that should replace the first one and do i also put a special header in the second sms

;) :D


« Last edit by dryezz on Tue Apr 16, 2019 00:10, 64 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
First select a number from 1 to 7 for Replace header. Then send a message, like:

To: <recipient>
Replace: 1

This is the first message.

Later, when you want to replace the previous message sent to the same recipient, send a message with the same Replace header:

To: <recipient>
Replace: 1

This is the second message.

The second message should replace the first message. If it does not, receiving device or SIM does not support this feature.

Apr 2019
Location: Alken / Limburg, Belgium
Topic owner
Thank you for the fast reply

I tried it but the receiving device (Huawei P8 Lite ) or SIM (Telenet Belgium, Proximus Belgium ) does not support this feature.

All the works perfect

thanks for the good work you're the best

:) ;) :D

Apr 2019
Location: Alken / Limburg, Belgium
Topic owner
I just tested it for the second time the receiver was an iphone the replacement message worked just fine
the old message was deleted and replaced by the new message


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