Operating system name and version:Raspian 10
Version of smsd:3.1.21-3
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E303
Interface: USB


I really like the start with SMS Tools, It was all clear and clean, I understood very fast and I like the log level 7, which helped me fast, to see the problems. ;-)

I can send SMS. It works fine, I have modified the /etc/init.d/smstools to wait for start of smstools 30 seconds until the modeswitch is ready with my modem (which cause a sleepless night) and to get a SMS after start, to be sure that it’s working.

Now I try to receive SMS and I set incoming = high in smsd.conf, because its rater important for me to receive, then to send sms. But sadly I found no way, to bring the Huawei e303, with, or without AT instructions, to save SMS on the simcard which seams to be necessary for smstools to receive the sms.

I tried via screen and shell, windows, putty, even DC-Unlocker.

On the shell I can open the communication via sudo cat /etc/ttyUSB0 and I receive “OK” and other information, but when I send AT instructions like “echo AT > /dev/ttyUSB0 ”my raspberry always says:
The Device, or resource is busy.

I stopped the smstool service, the network manager, I looked for other service or software, using the device, but except ModemMan nothing uses the interface.

Now I am near to give up. :(

Does anybody has a good idea, how I can come to an solution?

I know it is at least no smstool problem, but I searched so much without success, that google surely checked their server farm for performance problems today.. ;-)

Best regards from Germany

« Last edit by nonickatall on Thu Aug 01, 2019 21:10, 60 months ago. »