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Is possible to send thru specific device?

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Author Post
Feb 2020
Location: Heredia, Costa Rica
Hi there everybody, amazing project running here! Firstable: Thank you.

I'm trying to achieve the option of send using specific device, then I tried to add the modem header to the outgoing/ file but after send (let's say GSM1) some tests I notice it is been ignored and when its being sent it just changed that header to the used device for sending (GSM2).

Is any option to send using GSM1 or any other number and keep that mandatory?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for using this software.

Check this:

Feb 2020
Location: Heredia, Costa Rica
Topic owner
That certainly did the trick. It worked like a charm. Thank you very much! Little tip sent to your paypal.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thank you! 8)

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