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Cannot decode PDU

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Author Post
May 2020
Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Operating system name and version: Window 10 64Bit
Version of smsd: 3.1.21
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: EC200T Mini PCI-E

I'm facing issue when read SMS using this modem, with the message below:

Error: Cannot decode PDU, see text part for details.
From_TOA: 18 international, national
Received: 20-05-15 05:29:34
Subject: GSM1
Modem: GSM1
IMSI: 510101562507905
IMEI: 867881043595334
Report: no
Alphabet: ISO
Length: 479
UDH: no
PDU: 06912618014000040d91261823602316f000000250515082548204c820f309
Pos: ....-....*....-.^^~here(17)

First tried with PDU mode new (with CSA):
PDU ERROR: Position 17,2: Invalid sender address length: "0d"

Next tried with PDU mode old (without CSA):
PDU ERROR: Position 7,2: Missing bit 7 in recipient address type: "18"

No success. This PDU cannot be decoded. There is something wrong

Could you help this problem?

This is log info

Any help greatly apreciated.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Please apply this patch:

Edit the pdu.c and search for "memory reading".

Add those three highlighted lines as shown:

  char tmp_udh_type[SIZE_UDH_TYPE] = {};
  char *udh_data;
  char *udh_type;

  udh_data = (a_udh_data)? a_udh_data : tmp_udh_data;
  udh_type = (a_udh_type)? a_udh_type : tmp_udh_type;

  // Patch for modems which give hexadecimal with lowercase letters:
  for (i = 0; pdu[i]; i++)
    pdu[i] = toupper((int)pdu[i]);

  // Patch for Wavecom SR memory reading:
  if (strncmp(pdu, "000000FF00", 10) == 0)
    strcpyo(pdu, pdu +8);
    while (strlen(pdu) < 52)
'c' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Then save, recompile and test.

May 2020
Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Topic owner
Hi keke...

It's done. Nice. :)

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback.

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