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evenhandler called for short messages but not for multipart (>160 char)

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Jul 2020
Location: France
Operating system name and version: Debian 7
Version of smsd: v3.1.15
Smsd installed from: package: smstools 1.14-1.2 amd64 SMS server tools for GSM modems
Name and model of a modem / phone: no sure/in appliance
Interface: serial

Hello All,

Thank you for reading my post. My setup works fine for short messages (less than 160 characters). The SMS is being received and processed by the script specified in the "eventhandler =" line:

However, when a larger SMS (>160 chars) is being received, all I see is:

and then nothing else.

My configuration specifies "internal_combine = yes" for the one and only modem:

I have read a post from the administrator indicating that each part is not a message; but I am wondering how we can process it? Is this a limitation from smsd and we will never be able to read such messages; or is there a way for these multiple parts to be saved somewhere for a separate script (cron launched) to re-assemble and process ?

Sorry if this has been addressed somewhere, I have searched through the forums and couldn't find a response.

Thank you so much in advance!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for choosing this software.

Please change the loglevel to 7 in the global part of smsd.conf and test once again. With lower loglevel not all messages were printed to the log.

When you receive a message, containing single or multiple parts, there should be a line which says that "Wrote an incoming message file ..." and the name of a file. With single part your system worked well, but with more than 160 characters, is there a received file? I assume or at least hope that there is.

Next, is there a line which says that "Running eventhandler" <eventhandler> RECEIVED <that file> ? There should be that kind of a line, if there is not, I'm in trouble. :'(

If smsd says that it is running eventhandler, and then nothing else, the eventhandler probably freezes and never returns. If this is the case, and there was a received message file, just stop the smsd and re-test your eventhandler with a command line something like: /var/sms/eventhandlerModem1 RECEIVED /var/spool/sms/incoming/GSM1.<something>

What happens, if anything?

Jul 2020
Location: France
Topic owner
Hello Keke,

Thank you so much for your response. I increased the loglevel to 7 and observed the below. It seems the message is deleted after being received without getting a chance to be processed ?

The logs are showing SMS checks on a regular basis:

When a short SMS (not multipart) comes in, it shows this:

When an incoming multi-part SMS arrived (2 parts) it shows this:

Being that the files have been deleted, I don't even get a chance to use a separate script (python for ex.) to try and handle them.

Posting my full smsd.conf just in case:

Please let me know if anything can be done to retrieve the multi-part SMS.

Thanks again very, very much for your help ! :)

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