Operating system name and version: CentOS/Redhat 7
Version of smsd: Newest
Smsd installed from: Epel repo
Name and model of a modem / phone: -
Interface: USB
I'm going to remove an old sms server and that has this format of the files containing the text message:
I would like to use smstools for this but is it possible to use this format instead of:
To: 44xxxxx
I know that I could set a script that edits the file before it is sent to the que but if it would be possible to change the format sms3 reads this would be better.
A script is required, but you can put it inside smstools using the global setting checkhandler = /path/to/your/script.
The checkhandler is executed every time when a new message is detected in the spooler. It can modify the message file (which is the first and only argument for the script). In your case it can detect the old format and change it to sms3 format, and you do not have to change any previous systems.
The return value of checkhandler in your case must always be zero.