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Modem compatibility advise

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Author Post
Apr 2021
Location: Nancy, France
OS: Debian 10


I'm struggling to find a compatible modem to work with SMS Server Tools. I have already tried with a Huawei E3372h-320 but it's not worked all. I would appreciate if someone could advise me. I will document the installation if it works.

Thanks you :)

« Last edit by lpoirothattermann on Mon Apr 12, 2021 14:02, 40 months ago. »
Apr 2021
Location: Nancy, France
Topic owner
Operating system name and version: Debian
Version of smsd: 3
Smsd installed from: package repository
Interface: USB

Apr 2021
Location: Augsburg, Germany
I could recommend Cinterion EHS6T or PLS62 from Thales

Apr 2021
Location: Nancy, France
Topic owner
mike1098 wrote
I could recommend Cinterion EHS6T or PLS62 from Thales

Thanks, I already ordered a Wavecom.
Have a great day :)

May 2021
Location: Medreac, France
I've had some success with an aliexpress 8x modem, at least i could send a test message from ubuntu and smstools. I wrote a rough article about it here :

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