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eventhandler does not invoked for incoming calls - HUAWEI MS2131i-8

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Author Post
Aug 2021
Location: Japan
Operating system name and version: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Version of smsd: smstools 3.1.21-3
Smsd installed from: package repository (apt)
Name and model of a modem / phone: HUAWEI MS2131i-8
Interface: USB

I am trying to forward SMS to specified mail address as well as the phone calls.

Now my settings and eventhandler work good for SMS but not work for phone calls.

This is my config:

And this is my eventhandler

What is possible reason of this problem? Or how can I get more information about this problem?
I checked the log, and didn't find anything helpful.

Aug 2021
Location: Japan
Topic owner
I noticed there is an error while send AT+CBPS="MC" and when I send a AT+CBPS=?, there is no "MC" in the response. So I suppose this is because the modem does not support querying the missing calls.

I am not sure whether this is the reason.

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