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Author Post
Jan 2022
Location: Stave, Belgium
Hi, i 'am a young Develloper and I Have 51 years Hold. My name is Olivier.

I'am happy to join you. I have choice to my study project to make a apply to send me a sms for when i never forget my work date.

I'm interrested to contact personn speak french because my english is poor (self learner). But I make my best to communicate with you with shakespeare langage.

I hope you understand me.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Hi, nice to see that you have chosen this software for your project. 8)

Unfortunately, I do not speak French, but I will show you one solution that can be useful as part of your project: see this post.

I use it myself to remind me of important times like wedding day or expiration of vehicle tracking SIM card and so on.

I'm not a Bash teacher, but if you try that script, please note that it uses the formail command, which is available for many Linux distributions by installing the procmail package.

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