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E160 stops receiving

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Sep 2022
Location: Germany
Hi, I'm trying to get a Huawei E160 work on my NanoPi R2S OpenWrt Router.

OpenWrt Version is 21.01.3
smsd Version 3.1.21 (okpg package)

Here is my config:

The modem receives SMS as expected after plugging in.
But after a couple of hours it stops receiving.

When looking into the log everything seems ok

When I unplug and replug the modem, all missing SMS are read.

How to find the problem?

Sep 2022
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Tried an E173 Stick.
But after a week without problems ist stops working too.

Next step is to use a Archer C7 instead of the R2S ...

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You could also try using the hub with an external power source. This could be a problem with getting stable power.

Sep 2022
Location: Germany
Topic owner
I have used a Archer C7 V5 now. SMS receiving did not work after about 8 hours :(

Of course I have checked the procedure using an activ hub. No difference.

Today I have stopped smstools3 service and played around with some AT commands using picocom.

After playing around and starting smstools3 again after beeing frustrated I found, that all missing SMS are received.
And wow. This was the first time I did not have to remove and replug the stick!

So I took a look at some saved logs again. I Found that the response to AT+CREG was different sometimes.
Of course I did not move the stick in any way.
And if it was "CREG: 2,1, 5730, 9AF OK" receiving SMS seems to work.

Is it possible, that the stick sometimes connects to an unusable network, even if it says "registered"?

Sep 2022
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Ok, frustrating.

Receiving stops sometimes even if registration did not change ....

I have created a test-reset-script, to reset the E173 stick.

# Modem device

# we need to put sleep n to slow down commands for modem to process
echo -e "ATZ\r" >$DEV
sleep 1
echo -e "AT+CFUN=0\r" >$DEV
sleep 1
echo -e "AT+CFUN=1\r" >$DEV
sleep 3
echo -e "AT+CREG=0\r" >$DEV
sleep 1
echo -e "AT+CREG=1\r" >$DEV
sleep 2
echo -e "AT+CREG=2\r" >$DEV
exit 0
'bash' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

I have to stop smstools3, run the script, and start smstools3 again. This way receiving works again, until sometimes.

I found that it does not work, when I did a AT+CREG=2 without a AT+CREG=1 before !!!

I wonder if its possible to "reset" precautionary and regulary within smstools?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Maybe you could use this setting: regular_run

Unrelated, but in your configuration, the second init line overwrites the first init setting:
init = AT^CURC=0
init = AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME"
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Sep 2022
Location: Germany
Topic owner
I have included the CFUN and CREG commands into my config file now.
This solution of course forces many complete resets ...
But after doing this, the system ist running stable for weeks now.

Maybe this solutions helps someone else.

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