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Recommendations for hardware ?

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Author Post
Jan 2023
Location: Cincinnati, OH, United States of America

Looking to hear from anyone who can confirm working hardware (ex: USB stick). What I mean is something that doesn't make you pull your hair out, exposes a serial port, and generally works. I'm in the USA - so as of last week (Verizon CDMA shutdown) I don't believe we have any 3G networks live anymore. So something 4G LTE at least.

I got an Alcatel IK41 from eBay - and so far I think I've found someone posting a note saying that it's firmware only lets it run in NDIS mode (i.e. ethernet) and mass storage - no serial. So I definitely want to avoid devices like that (assuming this is true).

Thanks in advance for any reports of hardware you are using successfully.

Jan 2023
Location: Cincinnati, OH, United States of America
Topic owner
Going to reply to myself ;)

I got a Huawei UMG366 (Tmobile branded). Working well so far (USA - Using Tello sim (Tmobile MVNO)).

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