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module support question

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Author Post
Feb 2024
Location: Belize
Operating system name and version: Linux 6.x
Version of smsd: /
Smsd installed from: /
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: USB


I have looked into hardware compatibility page but have not found my answer, and have also searched community forums.

Will above mentioned device with sim7600e-h module work with smstools3?

Thank you

Feb 2024
Location: Belize
Topic owner
just to let community know. ordered quectel m35. working good. configuration below for reference. still fiddling around and improving.

« Last edit by 25802855 on Sat Mar 09, 2024 16:55, 4 months ago. »
Feb 2024
Location: Belize
Topic owner
after many hours of debugging, i have not managed to figure out why SMS status reports are not being received.

report=yes is inside config.

decoded PDU for outgoing SMS holds TP-SRR: 20
decoded PDU for incoming SMS holds TP-SRI: 20

according to

'SMS status report is supported under text mode if <fo> is set to 49'

+CSMP: 17,169,0,0

however no status report is received.

one thing that might be happening is because the network gives one SMS central number, which works for sending and receiving, however a completely different SMSC is actually the official one.

thank you

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The first thing to note is that not all devices and message centers support status reports.

Second, getting status reports to work, unless it happens on its own, is perhaps the hardest part of setting up an SMS service.

Additional information about the modem is needed, it is printed in the log with the setting report_device_details=yes.

Initializing the modem with the command CNMI is important. With appropriate values, the report may or may not work. The goal would primarily be for the report to be saved in the same memory as other messages. Some devices have dedicated memory (SR) for reports and can be read using the dual memory handler. If the modem does not support memories, it may still route the reports. This is all very device specific and varies a lot.

Feb 2024
Location: Belize
Topic owner
Thank you! You are correct!

Switching default +CNMI=2,1,0,0,0 to +CNMI=2,1,2,1,0 works and status reports are retrieved.

I believe the important part is the <ds> value.

0 No SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are routed to the TE
1 SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are routed to the TE by using unsolicited result code:+CDS: <length><CR><LF><pdu> (PDU mode enabled) or +CDS: <fo>,<mr>,[<ra>],[<tora>],<scts>,<dt>,<st> (Text mode enabled)

Just for future reference for other people here is my config;

Model identification:
GSM1 <- Quectel_Ltd
Revision: MTK 0828

Revision identification:
GSM1: <- Revision: M35AR01A36

« Last edit by 25802855 on Thu Mar 14, 2024 16:24, 4 months ago. »
Feb 2024
Location: Belize
Topic owner
keke wrote

You have been very helpful. Thank you upfront. Have one more question regarding a situation that I was not able to resolve myself.

Situation 1)
Sending an SMS to client that has not updated his phone number in our database.

The status report is understandable. The important part I'm referring to is the sending time 4sec.

Situation 2)
Another client has an old phone number in our database, however in this case we have sending time 24 sec. There is no 99 status report like in previous situation. No status report at all.

Phone numbers from both situations are in the same network.

Why does the '24 sec' timeout happen and where is this defined, and modified if possible? I was not able to find information in smstools handbook, nor the module at commands. Is this something related to network itself?

I'd like to avoid module hanging for larger amount of seconds.

Much appreciated.

« Last edit by 25802855 on Sat Mar 30, 2024 03:53, 3 months ago. »
Feb 2024
Location: Belize
Topic owner
After looking into modeminit.c, it is easy to understand; read_timeout_pdu (5) * read_timeout (5) = 25

Feb 2024
Location: Belize
Topic owner
However, my original question still stands. Why does some sending take 30-80 seconds, while some take 3-8 seconds, on the same network. Appreciate.

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