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[solved] Problem receiving messages (Vodafone Mobile Connect)

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Author Post
Nov 2009
Location: Finland
Operating system name and version: Debian Lenny
Version of smsd: 3.1.5
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Vodafone Mobile Connect
Interface: pcmcia

Hopefully someone can find an solution to my problem. I tried the same with Debian packaged smstools (3.1.2) with different results, there the problem was that I couldn't decode messages received.

But now with the new version I can't get any messages out from the system. Everything seems to run smoothly, and I can send messages (with some issues, but more about that after investigation).

I tried to send message via my cellphone, just like I would send an reqular SMS but all I can see on log is this:

Here's my smsd.conf:

I didn't try and see if I can retrieve messages manually, but I doubt that if I manually give the same commads the results will be the same as well.

So, any ideas?

« Last edit by keke on Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:44, 178 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The log looks fine. There are no errors, but also no SMS received. Assuming that you surely have sent a message to your device, and it's delivered, try the following:

Stop the daemon if it's running.

Start smsd in a communication mode:
smsd -C GSM1

Follow the instruction on screen.

Enter a command ATE1 to see what you are typing.

Enter a command AT+CPMS=? to see what memory values are supported. There is at least SM listed and probably ME too.

Assuming that mobile equipment is listed as ME, enter a command:
or AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME" if single "ME" was not enough.

Check the memory using a command:

There should be something like "ME",1,some number listed. In this case your device stores incoming messages into the memory of a device, not into the SIM card. In the modem section of smsd.conf, you can use init = AT+CMPS="ME" to make the change permanent.

If this does not help, show the output of those commands you typed.

Nov 2009
Location: Finland
Topic owner
Thank you for your very fast and very accurate reply! That did the trick and now I can start building some functionality with that and i.e. my nagios3 environment.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thank's. I receive SMS every time when something is posted (not quite middle of the night), so I can read topics fast if I'm not completely off-line ;).

Which one init string did the trick? I could include it in the hardware compatibility page, as there is this device already listed.

take wrote
I tried the same with Debian packaged smstools (3.1.2) with different results, there the problem was that I couldn't decode messages received.

Probably that has been "stored sent" message, or something like that. As far as I know, that version had no troubles with decoding incoming PDU's.

take wrote
Everything seems to run smoothly, and I can send messages (with some issues, but more about that after investigation).

Feel free to open a new topic for this issue.

And thank's for choosing Smstools3 8)

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