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[solved] Could not send character A, cause: Input/output error

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Author Post
Dec 2009
Location: Netherlands
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)
Version of smsd: 3.1.3
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: USB


i've been running smstools for a while now, but lately (after adding more modems) i see the following errors in the logs:

When i restart smstools everything works fine again, but after a while those errors pop up again. Does anyone has an idea on where to start looking? Is it a hardware problem or something software related? Since everything works ok after a restart of smstools i suspect it has something to do with my config.

Thanks for any ideas!

Dec 2009
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
It seems to happen at the 'Pre-initializing modem' stage during the usual 'checking for new sms' cycle. Maybe this helps :)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Currently I do not know a good reason for that. Does this happen with all modems, or with single modem only?

There is a modem option which may help: keep_open = no. With this option a modem is closed every time while it's not used. Perhaps this has the same effect as restarting.

Dec 2009
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
I've tested it with several combinations of modems/simcards and it keeps happening. I have the feeling it has something to do with Ubuntu for it keeps mentioning a disconnect/reset of usb devices in its logs.

After searching the bug database it seems this mostly happens in case of hardware problems and/or power issues. Since my hardware is new i guess it could be related to power. I have 4 modems connected to 1 usb hub which in turn is connected to an usb 1 port on an older PC.

I'll stop by the shop today to buy an external powered usb hub to see if that makes a difference.

Thanks for the keep_open option, I'll try that in the meanwhile.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Older USB ports can give about 500 mA current. For example iTegno 3000 draws very little current when it's idle, but as far as I can remember it draws something 250 - 300 mA when it's communicating with the GSM network. Four modems sounds like an external power supply will be a good idea.

Dec 2009
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner

Indeed, they've been running for 10 hours straight without any problems on the new (external powered) hub.

Pfew, glad the solution proved to be this simple :D


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