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[answered] Supported GSM specification

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Author Post
Dec 2009
Location: Argentina
Hi. I'm new.

Do the "GSM 07.05" spec include the "GSM 07.07"?

Thanks in advance. And sorry my english. Pablo.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Those are two different standards:

GSM 07.07 describes the main commands.

GSM 07.05 describes the additional AT commands (SMS).

When GSM 07.05 is supported by the device, it also supports GSM 07.07.

Dec 2009
Location: Argentina
Topic owner
Thanks keke.
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Here is now AT Commands used in SMS Server Tools 3 listed, if you are interested to check what commands are supported by the modem candidate.

This list is still incomplete, because all commands are not used in all configurations. I have to update it later to include explanation of "mandatory" and "optional" commands.

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