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[answered] Help : How to install smstools on Windows Xp

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Author Post
Jan 2010
Location: bandung, Indonesia
Operating system name and version: Windows XP Sp2
Version of smsd: 3.1.6
Smsd installed from: local disk
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei e220
Interface: USB

Hi all,

I am novice in unix/linux environment, so I want to install this tool on Windows environment.

This are the steps I took to install smstool
1) install cygwin
2) copy file smstools3-3.1.6.tar.gz to c:\cygwin\usr\src
3) start cygwin bash shell
4) type command tar -xzf smstools*.tar.gz

I got error messages like these
tar <child> : smstools*.tar: Cannot open: no such file or directory
tar <child> : error is not recoverable : existing now
tar Child returned status 2
tar : existing with failure status due to previous errors

Please help me how to fix this error.

Thanks in advance for your helps.

Best regards,

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
First check what is your working directory. You should cd /usr/src and then pwd should say /usr/src.

If you downloaded the package using IE, the name of a file may be smstools3-3.1.6.tar.tar. This does not cause problems, but you must type the name as it is in the disk. Type ls -l to see what is the complete name. You can also type tar -zxf smstools3- and then press tab to complete the command.

sugiarto wrote
tar <child> : smstools*.tar: Cannot open: no such file or directory

You probably tried with tar -zxf smstools*.tar which does not work, check this too.

Jan 2010
Location: bandung, Indonesia
Topic owner
Hi Keke,

Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late reply, I was writing my own smstool in win env. It is finish now, and it runs ok on Huawei E220.

I follow your suggestion, the result are like this.
1) tar -xzf smstools3->ok
2) cd smstools3 ->ok
3) make->ok
4) make install->error

Since I have my own smstool, I think i will use it and adding some features compare to this smstools3.

I think instruction smstools3 for windows need to be updated so novice like me will have a good tutor.

Anyway thanks again for your helps.

Best regards,

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
sugiarto wrote
4) make install->error

In that step there should be no errors. If you want to show what the error exactly was, I could try to check if it can be resolved.

sugiarto wrote
I think instruction smstools3 for windows need to be updated so novice like me will have a good tutor.

I have now updated instructions little bit, but still some Unix knowledge is useful when running this software under Cygwin.

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