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[solved] Sending SMS via a Web-Gui

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Author Post
Jan 2010
Location: Geislingen, Germany

is there a way to use "SMS Server Tools" to send SMS via a WEB Interface?
I have tried to use playsms but i cant get it working.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
In the scripts directory of a package, there is a sample script smstest.php available. It's not a complete application, but will demonstrate how messages can be handled and how character sets are used. With minor additions this script could provide a working web frontend.

You can also search "smstest.php" from this forum, if not already done (use Google search provided in the Search page). There is some discussion about the web interfaces.

What kind of difficulties do you have with PlaySMS? Probably some issue with a character set, or something else? Please view this topic, there is PlaySMS in use and with Unicode messages too.

Jan 2010
Location: Geislingen, Germany
Topic owner
Thanks. When i use the smstest.php my browser shows me the text below, i thinks there is anything wrong with my apache or my php5.

"; if ($use_utf) print "Raw header used to set charset to UTF-8

\n"; $charset = $_POST['charset']; $text = $_POST['text']; if ($charset != "" && $text != "") { print " charset: $charset
text: $text
"; $filename = "/var/spool/sms/outgoing/smstest-" .date("siH"); if (($handle = fopen($filename .".LOCK", "w")) != false) { $l = strlen($st = "To: $to\n"); fwrite($handle, $st); if ($charset == "UNICODE") { $l += strlen($st = "Alphabet: UCS\n"); fwrite($handle, $st); $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, "UCS-2BE", "UTF-8"); } else if ($charset == "ISO") $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, "ISO-8859-15", "UTF-8"); if ($_POST['flash'] != "") { $l += strlen($st = "Flash: yes\n"); fwrite($handle, $st); } $l += strlen($st = "Adjustment: +"); fwrite($handle, $st); $pad = 14 - $l % 16 + 16; while ($pad-- > 0) fwrite($handle, "+"); fwrite($handle, "\n\n$text"); fclose($handle); if (($handle = fopen($filename .".LOCK", "r")) == false) print "Unable to read message file.
"; else { print "
while (!feof($handle))
echo fgets($handle, 1024);
print "
\n"; fclose($handle); } $tmpfilename = tempnam("/tmp", "smstest-"); exec("/usr/bin/hexdump -C < $filename.LOCK > $tmpfilename"); if (($handle = fopen($tmpfilename, "r")) == false) print "Unable to create dump.
"; else { print "
while (!feof($handle))
echo fgets($handle, 1024);
print "
\n"; fclose($handle); unlink($tmpfilename); } if ($_POST['showonly'] == "") { if (rename($filename .".LOCK", $filename) == true) print "Message placed to the spooler,
filename: $filename
\n"; else print "FAILED!
\n"; } else unlink($filename .".LOCK"); } else print "FAILED!
\n"; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') $result = 'https://'; else $result = 'http://'; $result .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; print "
Back\n"; } else { print "
Send a message using:
No charset conversion here

Show only the message file dump


"; } print " "; ?>

Jan 2010
Location: Geislingen, Germany
Topic owner
Sorry, now my playsms ist Working,.... I have an config error in my php

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