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[answered] Coming to the next version, not yet released. ----what time of release it??

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Author Post
Jan 2010
Location: China
From the version history:
Coming to the next version, not yet released
Estimated release time for following additions is fall 2009. was fall 2009, but the publishing is delayed.

1.Faster spooling algorithm. Required if system has lot of modems and very much messages to send. Current algorithm works well on systems with less than 10 - 15 modems and with about 500 -600 messages per hour per each modem.

2.SQL database based spooling and message handling. Can be used together with current filesystem based spooling, or instead of it. At least MySQL will be supported, probably SQLite too.

This feature of the version is good, especially the database background, exactly what I needed, and what time of release it?

thank you !

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
This version is almost done, but needs to be finalized and because of large number of changes and enhancements, it requires lot of testing. It may take couple of weeks, but currently I'm not sure when I can start the job.

As soon as the first beta version is available, I will write an announcement about it. You could subscribe to the SMSTools3 Announcements forum in order to get an e-mail notification.

About the SQL database support: it uses libdbi abstraction layer and therefore MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite/SQLite3 and Microsoft SQL Server (via freetds) are supported. Other database engines may also work, but I'm not able to test them.

It also uses iconv for better handling of character sets. This may be useful especially with Chinese and Russian alphabet.

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