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[changed in 3.1.7] Settings-DB and some Questions

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Author Post
Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Operating system name and version: debian 5
Version of smsd: 3.1.6
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Teltonika G10
Interface: USB


basically, everything works fine, except for some issues with DTMF. There is no sound. Ringing works. Ringing is very short (too short for mobiles...i usually get either 1 second of ringing or just a "call missed" message, but using TIME: solves that.

It's not very important but are there things I might try to troubleshoot and solve that?


is it needed/used for USB-Serial-Devices?


I think especially for newbies it would really help to have a small list (or wiki) to store informations like "which modem runs with which settings/versions".

It's not a lot of work but very helpful for the start. Would have saved me a couple of hours ;).

To make a start and help others with information I gathered:

Teltonka ModemUSB/G10

Did not run with Debian-Repository smstools3 3.1
Runs with 3.1.6 from source.

Init: ATZ

Tested and working:
SMS incomming/outgoing
Status report

Tested and not (yet) working:
Voicecall with DTMF (ringing works with TIME: X setting)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
jottt wrote
basically, everything works fine, except for some issues with DTMF. There is no sound. Ringing works. Ringing is very short (too short for mobiles...i usually get either 1 second of ringing or just a "call missed" message, but using TIME: solves that.

If might be useful to see the modem response from the log file.

Do you have an AT Command Set -manual for this device?

jottt wrote
is it needed/used for USB-Serial-Devices?

The device on the Serial -side usually uses hardware handshaking, so it should not be set off.

jottt wrote
I think especially for newbies it would really help to have a small list (or wiki) to store informations like "which modem runs with which settings/versions".

It's not a lot of work but very helpful for the start. Would have saved me a couple of hours ;).

I have to think about this. Perhaps a wiki -style page would be very good for this purpose. Currently, the list on Hardware Compatibility page is very old and it's not actively updated. Currently, some users have created "XXX works" topics on the Sample scripts / setups -forum. The information can be found using the search feature, but of course it's not the same than a list or wiki.

jottt wrote
To make a start and help others with information I gathered:


jottt wrote
Teltonka ModemUSB/G10

Did not run with Debian-Repository smstools3 3.1
Runs with 3.1.6 from source.

Do you remember what was the problem, just for interest?

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
keke wrote
If might be useful to see the modem response from the log file.

Do you have an AT Command Set -manual for this device?

I'll check and post on monday. Regarding the manual...I doubt it, but I'll check.

keke wrote
>Did not run with Debian-Repository smstools3 3.1
Do you remember what was the problem, just for interest?

Not exactly. I think it was an "Error 21: message not accepted" I can't remember correctly. The message was something that left me totally clueless and after switching on and off several options and changing the SIM without any effect, I recompiled from source.

The other thing that the debian-repo-package is missing is the "sendsms" bin (at least I could not find it and it does not show up in the apt-install log).

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner

nothing to be found in the manual. I wrote them an email, so let's wait and see if they are willing to help :)

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Already got a reply and a shiny PDF-AT-Command manual. It's 2 MB in size, where should I mail it to? Or should I look up something specific?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The reply did not help?

You can mail the manual to this address:

Hidden private text.

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
It probably helps if you know what you're doing ;)

I however have to admit that I am quite newbie when it comes to modems, so even though I know what the AT-Commands are there for, I don't really know where to change something to make it work.

...and I don't know why there are 2 inits (INIT 1 and INIT 2 ), you have a quick answer for me?

Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT&FV1&D2&S0&C1S0=0

BTW I got a nice manual for wvdial and setup under Linux by Teltonika as well, so I really wonder why they keep it for themselves unless you ask when they have a well done documentation.

What I wanted basically is a SMS-Notification for Nagios, which should work perfectly with your tool and the modem :)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
There are two init strings because in some cases one has been not enough.

Your device has 1/10 seconds as a default value for the length of a DTMF tone. You could try to increase it. Set the init1 string to AT+VTD=10, or 5.

There might be a trouble with a syntax of a +VTS command. For example in Wavecom, the syntax is like AT+VTS="1". Your manual does not show quotation marks. Perhaps this is the reason for silence, but it should be verified from the log. Set loglevel = 7, restart smsd and make a voice call. Show piece of a log here so I can see what kind of errors are there.

I just tried this feature with iTegno 3000, and the result was:

If you still have OK answers, but no tone, you could try tones manually:

Stop the smsd.
Start it in communication mode: smsd -C GSM1
Follow the instructions on the screen.

Type ATE1 (and Return) to set echo on.

Make a call: ATD+your_number_in_international_format; (note that semicolon on the end).

Type AT+VTS=1 when the call is active. Does this create a tone?

If it works, also try AT+VTS=1;+VTS=2 to hear if multiple tones work too.

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
OK now here comes the log with some facts!

With INIT1 set to either ATZ or AT+VTD=10:

I get the following error: This is already while ringing, I did not pick up!

2010-03-02 18:03:39,7, GSM1: -> AT+VTS="#"
2010-03-02 18:03:39,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2010-03-02 18:03:39,7, GSM1: <- +CME ERROR: 4 (operation not supported)
After 2 of those it sends an AT+CHUP and quits successfully ;)

The "#" was what I send as Voicecall, but it does the same for "2"
If I take out TIME: it quits after the first error.

Doing it manually via smsd -C works fine, also with 2 sounds, so I conclude:

1) This modem seems to stumble over the ""
2) Why does it start sending sound when I did not yet pick up?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Edit smsd.c and find +VTS=\"

Change that line which is marked:

         while (*ptr)
           if (strlen(command) +cmd_length >= sizeof(command))

           if (DEVICE.voicecall_vts_list)
             sprintf(strchr(command, 0), "%c%c", *ptr, end_char);
Change this line:
             sprintf(strchr(command, 0), "+VTS=\"%c\"%c", *ptr, end_char);
             sprintf(strchr(command, 0), "+VTS=%c%c", *ptr, end_char);


Assuming that this change works with your device, I will add a new configuration option for this.

Probably the sending has started because the modem returned OK, even when a call was not yet answered. This is very problematic. Hopefully you can use TIME: as a workaround.

When you tested this manually, what was the response from a modem when a call was not yet answered? And what did it return when a call was answered?

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
1) changing the smsd.c works fine. Now the sound plays and I dont't receive the errors.

2) there is no message while "ringing" and nothing when I pick up.

When I check the log, there ist a 1 second delay between

-> ATD+***;
<- ATD+***; OK
3 seconds later it starts sending the Tones.

When I hang up, I receive a NO CARRIER.

If this is not solvable (because the modem does not signal a pickup) it's not a big thing for me...I just have to make sure that I send a lot of tones again and again :)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for the information.

Because your modem does not indicate a pick up, nothing more can be done.

Next version will have a setting voicecall_vts_quotation_marks which defaults to no.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
In the 3.1.7beta2 there is a modem setting voicecall_cpas = yes available. Probably with this setting your modem works better.

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
I'll check as soon as I find some time (which may take a little ;)

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