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[outdated] Howto use the saldo function

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Author Post
Feb 2010
Location: Germany
I read a lot, but i cant find anything about the function to receive a message with the information about my saldo. I have seen, that an at-command is useful for this ( regular_run_cmd = AT+CUSD=1,"*100#",0; ) but i dont know how to use it. Thank you for answering.

SMS Server tools is a very great programm, thank you very much :D

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
In the modem section of smsd.conf, define (as an example):

regular_run_interval = 60
regular_run_cmd = AT+CUSD=1,"*100#",0;
regular_run_statfile = /var/spool/sms/regular_run_statfile

After the smsd is restarted, you will see that statfile and it's updated on every 60 seconds.

You do not receive any SMS with this method.

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
thank you for the answer, i had build it in the smsd.conf and after i restarted, in the first minute it comes a file but this is empty and after this minute the file is removed. where is the bug? greats

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Use the setting loglevel = 7 in the global part of smsd.conf and try again. Show a piece of the log here, it's /var/log/smsd.log by default.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Just interested to know, if this issue is still active?

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Sorry, for the late answer, but at the moment i had not enough time to look for the problem, but this weekend i will post the log file, there is an error i can´t find out. if i use the funktion for the saldo, sms tools create a new file, sometimes without a message, but sometimes with the message with the saldo. After one minute the programm deletes the file und in the logfile you can read "modem not ready to send" and then 500 timeouts i think. But at the weekend i will post the logfile, at time i´m working.

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