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[answered] Forward SMS Contents Via Email

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Feb 2010
Location: Zimbabwe
Operating system name and version: WinXP

How can I use SMSTools to do the following project?

I have a database table with columns that contain the following information about SUPPLIERS:

Column1: email address
Column2. physical address
Column3: keywords describing supplier's products
Column4: phonenumber of supplier

I want to create and run a hybrid SMS -based search -cum-notification system that fowards contents of received SMS
via SMS and/or email to certain email addresses depending on the contents of the SMS received .I want the system to do the following:

1. Receive an SMS, search the database using words in the body of the SMS as search parameters,
2. Forward the SMS and phone number of the sender to all suppliers that match the search criteria
3. Reply to SMS sender with number of suppliers matching search parameters and up to 10 phone numbers of suppliers- eg.
"Your request was send to 7 suppliers including: 0118064182 0913419956 077326561 092276222"

I am using MySQL5
I want to use FUL-TEXT SEARCH

Any help would be appreciated

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You can do this kind of application with an eventhandler. It's a script or program which is executed when a SMS is received, sent or failed to send. In this forum there are some sample eventhandlers written using Bash. Have you searched and viewed any of those topics yet?

Some functionality what you are needing is shown in those topics as an example. Some is not, like handling the result set from SQL query, but it's just a programming stuff ;).

Eventhandlers can be created using any programming language, like C, Perl, PHP and so on. I have usually used Bash, because it has enough power for most things and is simple to manage.

What is the preferred language for eventhandler in your project?

Feb 2010
Location: Zimbabwe
Topic owner
Thanks for info.

I prefer PHP

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