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[outdated] error 22

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Author Post
Feb 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: suse 11.2
Version of smsd: 3.1.6
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: flyer u12
Interface: usb


i have problem with phonecalls = yes in modem section
in log file:

help me. sorry my english

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You had no missed calls at the time when smsd log was taken, right?

After three tries modem process says in the log that "Ignoring phonecalls, too many errors". And after this point it does not retry unless smsd is restarted.

Usually modems return an empty list and OK answer. It looks like your device uses CME 22 error code when there are no phonecalls. Assuming that this is the case you could try the following change to the code:

Edit the src/smsd.c file.
Search "No phonecall entries".
You will find the following piece of a code:

       sprintf(command,"AT+CPBR=1,%i\r", index_max);
       put_command(command, answer, sizeof(answer), 1, "(ERROR)|(OK)");
Change this line:
       if (strstr(answer, "ERROR"))
       if (strstr(answer, "ERROR") && !strstr(answer, "ERROR: 22"))
         if (++errors >= PB_MAX_ERRORS)
           writelogfile(LOG_INFO, 1, "Ignoring phonecalls, too many errors");
           result = -1;
         if (!strstr(answer, "+CPBR:"))
           writelogfile(LOG_INFO, 0, "No phonecall entries");

Change that one line as shown. Save, recompile, restart smsd and retry. Make sure that there is at least one missed call presented while testing.

Let me know what was the result.

Feb 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
keke wrote
Change that one line as shown. Save, recompile, restart smsd and retry. Make sure that there is at least one missed call presented while testing.
Let me know what was the result.

i did it. its log:

To calls does not react. And should be?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
smok wrote
To calls does not react. And should be?

Assuming that there surely was a missed call, it should be listed.

Your device has a MC memory and it tells limits when asked. It is strange that reading still does not work. If you have (or can find from somewhere) an AT command manual for your device, the AT+CPBR command could be checked. You can also send the manual to me, if you like. Type smsd -V to see the e-mail address.

If you do not have a manual and you are sure that there was a missed call when tested, there is not much to do with this device :(.

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