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[solved] Could not send character C, cause: Resource temporarily unavailable

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Author Post
Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Operating system name and version: Debian Stable/Lenny
Version of smsd: 3.1-2+lenny
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Motorola K1
Interface: Bluetooth

"Resource temporarily unavailable." Which Resource is this?
Looks like it is always the 6th char where the connection drops.
I always have 2 smstools daemons running after smstools start.
I tried smstools 3.1.6: same. Played with baudrate, rtscts, send_delay, no change. All other phones work nicely.

Thanks for any help.



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
If you have already tried with send_delay = 0 setting and got "Could not send string...", smsd cannot fix this error. A message "Resource temporarily unavailable" comes from the operating system and you have a permanent problem with bluetooth.

While all other phones work, do you use bluetooth with them or some other interface?

Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Your note about send_delay = 0 gave me the hint it had to do with this.

This smsd.conf did it for my Motorola K1. I had to add the secontary_memory_max thing else I got +CMS ERROR 305 and 321.
Now all 3 phones work perfectly on one usb bt. /dev/rfcom0 - 2

Thanks a lot great tool!

init = ATE0
device = /dev/rfcomm0
secondary_memory_max = SM,SM,SM
incoming = yes
baudrate = 115200
send_delay = 50

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The setting secondary_memory_max in an integer value, and in your case it gets a value 0. However, it is not even used because you do not have dual-memory handler in use.

And as you have not disabled the pre_init, you do not need to use init = ATE0 because pre-initialization does it.

Anyway, good to know that your system works well now, even with bluetooth (which is often problematic).

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