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[answered] how to get sms spool filename

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Mar 2010
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
im using php for smstools interface and i wondered how to get sms spool filename everytime sendsms command is used... i want to use it to locate failed sms in failed folder and parse it to mysql database, so that the program interface can resend it anytime...

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I think that it's most easier to use fixed names for directories. If you, for some reason, want to locate directories under /var/www/sms, create a symbolic link for each folder into the /var/spool/sms.

Are you familiar with an eventhandler? Check this post, it contains an eventhandler code which will store messages to the SQL database. There is a "type" field which contains "FAILED" for failed messages. Perhaps you can use this information for resending.

Check also the script smsresend found in the scripts directory of a package.

Mar 2010
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Topic owner
thx for replying keke

i need to ask more questions...
how can i make fixed name? by php script or there is another method??
by using eventhandler... do all messages from any type will be stored in single table??

thx again

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
itisrama wrote
how can i make fixed name? by php script or there is another method??

Probably I did not understand your first question correctly :roll: ...

When using an eventhandler, there is an argument $2 which is the path and filename of a message. In the case of a failure, the first argument contains "FAILED" and your script can then store the filename using the second argument.

itisrama wrote
by using eventhandler... do all messages from any type will be stored in single table??

Yes, that's what the sample eventhandler will do. The column "type" defines a message (SENT, RECEIVED, FAILED, REPORT or CALL).

When thinking about re-sending, you should also check what has been the reason of a failure. In the file in the failed folder, there is a Fail_reason header included. With that information you can decide is re-sending is needed. For example, if the failure is permanent, re-sending makes no sense.

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