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[answered] How to select the modem for send the SMS

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Author Post
Aug 2009
Location: Mexico DF, Mexico
Operating system name and version: Debian Lenny kernel 2.6.26-2
Version of smsd: 3.1.5,
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Sony Ericcsson k610 and s500i
Interface: USB

Hi, i need to select the modem for send the sms.
I'm trying to use the "Modem:" command in the sms file,
but all sms are sended for the same modem.

My smsd.conf

This are 2 files for testing the modem command:

From: +525522971855
To: 525517709888
Report: yes
Modem: GSM1

Test from GSM1


From: +525522971855
To: 525517709888
Report: yes
Modem: GSM2

Test from GSM2

What is the error?

I wait your news

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You have to define and use queues.

Check this topic: [answered] Need to specify which modem has to send the SMS.

Aug 2009
Location: Mexico DF, Mexico
Topic owner
Thank you for your answer, i created the queues, the directories and the permissions;
and my smsd.conf are this:

The queue GSM1 works fine.

But when i try to send a sms from queue GSM2, the file stay in the directory and the sms are not sended.

This is the file out.PV.100.281 in /var/spool/sms/GSM2

From: +525522971855
To: 525517709888
Report: yes
Queue: GSM2

prueba desde GSM2

What is the error in this case?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Your setup looks correct.

You have placed that message into the outgoing directory, and the main process has spooled it into the GSM2 directory, I assume, as this is the normal way to act. Now, GSM2 is not picking up messages, at the same time when GSM1 is working well. I think that you should look what is in the smsd.log file. Perhaps GSM2 has some troubles, and therefore cannot run correctly.

Aug 2009
Location: Mexico DF, Mexico
Topic owner
Hardware error, SOLVED!! Thanks again

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