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[solved] Again Huawei E220 E270 Error 500

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Author Post
Apr 2010
Location: Germany
Hi together,

maybe it is helpfull for some other guys:

we bought such an device from Medion in germany.
A test with smstools3 was not successfull: always Error 500 when sending a SMS.
receive was ok.

Hm, it was strange.

Than we tested it in windows, with the 'on stick' software.
It was also not successfull.
We played a little bit arround and suddenly the SMS was sent.
We changed the settings to GSM.

So we compared the differend outputs of at&v and detect the command


as the solution.

Before it was set to "IRA" what ever this means.

So simply try to use this command as init string in the smsd.conf

For us it works :D (after hours of searching)

One other problem:

The modem takes awfull long untill the /dev/ttyUSB0 is available (20 seconds)
smsd does no try to re open the device.
(We use debian and so udev creates this devices by itself)

So I wrote now a script wich stays in the background till the device is available and than start

But that is not the best solution.

Best regards,


« Last edit by infratec on Thu Apr 01, 2010 13:05, 174 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thank's for sharing the information.

infratec wrote
So we compared the differend outputs of at&v and detect the command


as the solution.

Before it was set to "IRA" what ever this means.

So simply try to use this command as init string in the smsd.conf

Strange, really... The setting CSCS should not have effect because smsd uses only PDU mode. CSCS has meaning with ASCII mode, and with USSD messages. I just checked, two different servers and modems uses PCCP437 and another two different modems uses IRA. There has not been any problems with sending, or anything.

Perhaps this is a bug in the Huawei's firmware, as the setting must be GSM. But in this case messages written using Unicode or binary probably does not work.

Anyway, if this CSCS is required with Huawei, then the init string just should be used.

infratec wrote
The modem takes awfull long untill the /dev/ttyUSB0 is available (20 seconds)
smsd does no try to re open the device.
(We use debian and so udev creates this devices by itself)

So I wrote now a script wich stays in the background till the device is available and than start

But that is not the best solution.

I may include two more modem settings to the next version: device_open_errorsleeptime (seconds, default 30) and device_open_retries (default 1). With these settings smsd could retry, and stop only if it looks like the error is permanent.

Apr 2010
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Hi Keke,

thanks for your reply.
This small hint is the minimum what I can do for the 'community'.
And as I was searching very long and found nothing which helped us,
I thought it is a good idea to make this information available.
See it as a small tribute for your (and others) hard work.

With our Huawei it is still neccessary to set the

memory_start = 0

(only if someone find this message via a search engine :) )

Sorry, now I'm on holliday.
I have no chance to access the modem at the moment.
As soon as it possible I post the version of the firmware.

But it was bought yesterday at a big german discounter, so I thought
it has one of the latest software version.

USB says: vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1003 as for many of Huawei's devices.

But let's see.

Best regards,


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