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Tool: PDU Converter

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Author Post
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
This conversion tool has been very useful when resolving troubles and developing SMSTools3. Now I have included it here as an enhanced version which contains more features and is more usable.

PDU Converter is based on work of Swen-Peter Ekkebus, Milan Chudik and Andrew Alexander. The latest version of the original converter can be found at

PDU SMS message creator   Text:  
Type Of Address:  
Alphabet Size: 7 8 16  
Message Class:  
Validity (Relative):  
SMSC:   Characters:      

PDU Message Entry/Display

USSD Entry/Display   GSM 7bit packed UCS2   Cell Broadcast (whole PDU)


Calculator   User data translation (7 bit only) Quote    

Memo   ( add sample PDU's ) Size: Increase   Decrease 
7-bits GSM default alphabet
« Last edit by keke on Tue Jun 06, 2017 14:23, 86 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Topic owner
Change history:


  • Fixed handling of TP-DCS when coding group bits are 1111xxxx.


  • < and > are now shown in a browser.


  • Recurring and starting spaces in message text are now shown in a browser.


  • Fixed handling of TP-DCS when coding group bits are 1111xxxx.


  • Added index column to the user data translation.


  • Added hexadecimal dump for 8bit messages.


  • Added "Type Of Address" selection.


  • Added handling for pdu= query variable. (works with topic.php?id=288&pdu=...)


  • Result code of a status report is explained.


  • Fix: The modified code did not show if a receipt was requested.


  • USSD Entry/Display now supports UCS2. Alphabet is not detected from the Cell Broadcast PDU, use radio buttons to select alphabet.


  • Type Of Address is explained.
  • User Data Header is extracted from the PDU and shown as a hex string.
  • Fixed incorrectly taken discharge timestamp in status report. Changed all timezone handling.


  • Initial version here in SMSTools3 Community.
  • New layout, user friendly with long PDU's.
  • Handling for extended characters (encode and decode).
  • Update counting when alphabet size is changed.
  • Plain User Data is created using USSD packing character.
  • Can decode GSM 7bit packed (USSD) User Data.
  • Can decode Cell Broadcast PDU (7bit).
  • etc...

NOTE: As this is a "tool" topic, I have locked it. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, feel free to create a new topic.

« Last edit by keke on Tue Jun 06, 2017 14:25, 86 months ago. »

  This topic is locked

Page:  1

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