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[answered] when an incoming call, hang up the phone, send SMS that contact you.

Admin comment: Contains an eventhandler script for handling missed calls.

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Author Post
Mar 2010
Location: Ukraine
Operating system name and version: altlinux 2.4
Version of smsd: 3-3.1.7beta4
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: sim300,sim300
Interface: serial,serial

What are you aware of phones / modems, which support command delete missed calls at the team.
those that I delzhal in the hands of none does not support, advise accessible model

I need to do a project that will do the following
when an incoming call, hang up the phone, send SMS that contact you.

could still be a way to solve AT + CLIP = 1, but the program does not support this option, what would an alternative way to do that.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
nm11 wrote
What are you aware of phones / modems, which support command delete missed calls at the team.
those that I delzhal in the hands of none does not support, advise accessible model

Devices based on the Wavecom chip are working well. Also Telit GM862-QUAD-PY works, and many other devices work too. I do not have a complete list about devices with their features.

nm11 wrote
I need to do a project that will do the following
when an incoming call, hang up the phone, send SMS that contact you.

Use the modem setting phonecalls = yes.

Test how it works, and use voicecall_hangup_ath = yes if necessary.

You could store files of phonecalls to their own directory (global setting): phonecalls = /var/spool/sms/phonecalls, but incoming can be used as well, and it's a default.

Define an eventhandler: eventhandler = /usr/local/bin/

Create this script with the following content and make it executable for smsd:


ADMIN_TO="380441234567" # Change this number!

        # $1 = To
        # $2 = Message
        # $3 = Provider (optional)

        FILE=`mktemp /tmp/send_XXXXXX`
        echo "To: $1" >> $FILE
        if [ "x$3" != "x" ]; then
                echo "Provider: $3" >> $FILE
        echo "Comment: smsd eventhandler auto-answer" >> $FILE
        echo "" >> $FILE
        echo -n "$2" >> $FILE
        FILE2=`mktemp /var/spool/sms/outgoing/send_XXXXXX`
        mv $FILE $FILE2

DATE=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
FROM=`formail -zx From: < $2`
FROM_TOA=`formail -zx From_TOA: < $2`
MODEM=`formail -zx Modem: < $2`
TEXT=`sed -e '1,/^$/ d' < $2`

if [ "$1" = "CALL" ]; then
        if [ "x$FROM" != "x" ]; then
                if [ "${FROM:0:1}" = "0" ]; then

                send_sms "$FROM" "Be aware, I'll call you back later... :)"

                if [ "x$ADMIN_TO" != "x" ]; then
                        send_sms "$ADMIN_TO" "Got a call from $FROM at $DATE"

exit 0
'bash' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

The script is published as an example. When a call was received and the number of caller is known, the caller will get an SMS. Also an SMS is sent to the administrator, if it's defined.

nm11 wrote
could still be a way to solve AT + CLIP = 1, but the program does not support this option, what would an alternative way to do that.

Check the new version 3.1.7beta6 which is now available. This version has support for +CLIP Calling line identification report. 8)

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