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[fixed in 3.1.7] socket_connection_errorsleeptime in modem settings is not working

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Author Post
Apr 2010
Location: Ukraine
# /etc/init.d/sms3 start
Starting SMS Daemon: There was 1 error while reading the config file:
- Unknown setting for modem GSM1: socket_connection_errorsleeptim
There was 1 major problem found.
Cannot start. See the log file for details.
smsd failed.

# cat /etc/smsd.conf
devices = GSM1
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7
errorsleeptime = 60
blocktime = 60

device = /dev/ttyUSB0
baudrate = 33600
incoming = no
#pin = 1111
needs_wakeup_at = no
#device_open_retries = -1
socket_connection_retries = 5
socket_connection_errorsleeptime = 60
rtscts = no

Best regards, JackB.

Apr 2010
Location: Ukraine
Topic owner
Sorry, v.3.1.7beta6

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for reporting.

This bug will be fixed in the next release.

In the meanwhile, edit a file smsd_cfg.c. Search "char name[32];". Change it to "char name[64];". Save, make, cp -p smsd `which smsd` and restart the daemon.

Apr 2010
Location: Ukraine
Topic owner

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