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[answered] SMS to more than one phone

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Author Post
May 2010
Location: Kouvola, Finland
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 10.04LTS
Version of smsd: 3.1.8
Smsd installed from:
Name and model of a modem / phone:

Hi, i've installed sms server tools and configured it so that i use email2sms script/procmail/postfix combination to send emails from surveillance machine to my phone as a sms message. That works fine but is it possible to create group etc. that i could send that message to multiple phones? Or what kind of script it should be?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Check this topic: Multiple recipients in single SMS file. With that script as a checkhandler you can use multiple To: headers in the email, and the checkhandler will create one SMS message file for each recipient.

There is no built-in handling for groups available, but it can be done with a checkhandler too. For example, the script could check if a recipient is like To: Group123, and then create message file for each member of that group.

Slightly off-topic: As you are running Ubuntu 10.04, do you run it on the 64bit hardware?

May 2010
Location: Kouvola, Finland
Topic owner
I found that script earlier and we got it work with that, although we had to made changes to that script.
You can define to our surveilance machine only one email address and because of that the orginal script didnt work, because of only one "to field" available.
When we now got email message from surveillance machine we make with mktemp file to /tmp and with that script we modify it so that there is only message body and recipients. The recipients we defined straight to that script like this:
So that script makes in this case three messages to outgoing folder with details of recipient and message body.
"To: +3581256778
Server diupadaa is down"
Hard to explain but hopefully you got some idea of it.
Yes we have 64bit system and it works like charm.

May 2010
Location: Kouvola, Finland
Topic owner
We modified it little bit more and now we define recipients in /home/exampleuser/.procmailrc file.

And our script which you have orginally wrote looks now like this and is named as multiplerecipient if you wonder that name in the code above.

Now we just make different users to ubuntu like test2 and after that define wanted numbers to /home/test2/procmailrc file and use the same modified multiple recipient script. Then when we send email to and numbers we just defined got the message to their phones.
So actually we're not using that email2sms script anymore.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You are right, the unmodified script does not do the job.

If you move back to the email2sms script, the following addition to the checkhandler might be useable:

If the e-mail was sent to "Herbert" <sms@localhost>, and a file named herbert exists in the groups directory, recipients are read from this file.

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