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Questions about the database and eventhandler

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Author Post
Jan 2010
Location: China
today,i see this post .

Generally taken your first idea sounds good. In the past I had plans to use SQL database for whole spooling, but I did not make this feature complete because another solution was used. I might do it in some day, but cannot promise anything large additions to the next version.

Do you mean : the SQL database features are No longer continue to develop?

In addition, consulting a question about this post:

Can I achieve this functionality: Read sms from mysql database and then send ?

Configuration trouble?

thank you !

Jan 2010
Location: China
Topic owner
In the process of sending and receiving messages, it can handle Chinese characters right?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
ehaha wrote
today,i see this post .

Generally taken your first idea sounds good. In the past I had plans to use SQL database for whole spooling, but I did not make this feature complete because another solution was used. I might do it in some day, but cannot promise anything large additions to the next version.

Do you mean : the SQL database features are No longer continue to develop?

No, the full set of features will be available in the version 3.2.

Right now I'm unable to determine when the 3.2 released.

ehaha wrote
In addition, consulting a question about this post:

Can I achieve this functionality: Read sms from mysql database and then send ?

Do you mean the script (running from the cron or regular_run), which reads the database and creates outgoing message files?

ehaha wrote
Configuration trouble?

No, just not enough time ;).

ehaha wrote
In the process of sending and receiving messages, it can handle Chinese characters right?

It is the goal.

Jan 2010
Location: China
Topic owner
Do you mean the script (running from the cron or regular_run), which reads the database and creates outgoing message files?

i mean:

1、receives incoming message files and writes the database;
2、reads the database and creates outgoing message files;

This can be achieved?

thank you !

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