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[answered] Modem is not work sometimes. How make auto-restart?

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Author Post
Jul 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: FreeBSD 8.0 -- RELEASE
Version of smsd: 3.1.5
Smsd installed from: FreeBSD Ports Collection
Name and model of a modem / phone: Siemens C55 connected via original USB Data-cable
Interface: USB

Sometimes modem did not work and sms tools write in log file errors like

How i can restart smsd auto-mode if errors above found in log file?
Thanks for help, and sorry for my bad English:)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You could define an alarmhandler. Create a script which detects that $6 contains "Could not send" and creates a "flag-file". Another script (running by cron) can monitor if the flag-file exists, and run /etc/init.d/sms3 restart if necessary.

There is also a modem setting keep_open = no available, in some cases it may help.

However, "Device not configured" comes from OS, and probably restarting smsd is not enough.

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