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[answered] SMS to HTTP URL

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Aug 2010
Location: Greece
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 10.04
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter...

Hi all!
I want to configure server when receives an sms, create a url with a get command in order to send some data to another server.
Receives sms....
Create url (with get command like this "GET /test/test.php?filed1=10&filed2=20 HTTP/1.1

This way when I receive an sms with this text:field1=10 field2=20 the server should send the data to another server.

Is this possible?
Thank you in advance! :)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Everything is possible with an eventhandler.

Eventhandler can be a shell script, or a program written using any programming language. When an SMS is received, eventhandler is called. The script can extract required data from the SMS, and create a command which calls the another server.

See also this topic, as an example. It contains a checkhandler which calls another server. Checkhandler is executed before outgoing SMS is spooled, and with this script another server is used for sending.

Aug 2010
Location: Greece
Topic owner
Thank you for your prompt answer!

I will read the examples and give it a try!


Aug 2010
Location: Port-au-prince, Haiti
I am new also in this technology.I want to know if I need to write an eventhandler for receiving the incoming sms in my Inbox.Please advice quickly!


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
masterxunil wrote
I am new also in this technology.I want to know if I need to write an eventhandler for receiving the incoming sms in my Inbox.Please advice quickly!


I think that your playSMS implementation should show all incoming messages without any eventhandler required.

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