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[solved] error in log file

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Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner

Yes, I consider to change the modems.. but the problem it I have 20 Huawei modems ,and I assume I can use it.

I will test different machines in different places


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
Yes, I consider to change the modems.. but the problem it I have 20 Huawei modems ,and I assume I can use it.

If you do not have any other modem available for testing, that BenQ could be a choice and it's just $25.35. With single device you could see if the problem is in the GSM network, or elsewhere.

Your logs look very bad. The modem is causing errors and very long delays. It also changes between GSM cells very often. and it changes between system modes WCDMA and GSM/GPRS.

Assuming that system mode is causing the problem, you could check what the modem answer to the following commands:


There is also a support forum available at Have you visited there?

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner

I get this answers to the commands


/GSM1900/WCDMA850/WCDMA1900"),(3fffffff,"All Bands")),(0-2),(0-4)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
I will test different machines in different places

Do you have any results for this testing?

I think that you could try if this kind of init string if makes any difference:

What is your operator? What AT+COPS? says?

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke:

This is the answer

+COPS: 0,2,"72234",0

There is no difference with the SYSCFG command.

There is an pc application of the operator ("Personal" is of the France Telecom group), that allow to set a network exclusively (WCDMA or EDGE-GSM).

I try to set first EDGE-GSM only and after that WCDMA only , but the errors still appear


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
keke wrote
lextor wrote
I will test different machines in different places

Do you have any results for this testing?

Do you have?

What I was thinking with SYSCFG, is that you device looks like it's changing the system mode repeatedly, but it should not do it. It could be locked to the GSM mode with a correct frequency.

"Telecom Personal SA" probably uses 850/1900, but in your device there is no choice for those frequencies only. My device has "GSM850/GSM1900", but yours has different choices.

As you have lot of those Huawei sticks, have you ever been able to send messages without problems and delays? Just asking because I'm starting to believe that your devices in your office will never work properly... :(

As we have discussed about different modems, I think that it is particularly important to try sending with another device, any another than Huawei. In your town there surely is some other modems available for testing, unless Huawei has "captured all the market" ;) ?

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Keke :

Sorry , I forgot answer your question. The result is the same, for a several minutes works fine, and after that I get the same errors.

About your question of Huawei previous performance, I haven´t data because I tried to start to send a lot of SMS messages with smsd and the Huawei modems simultaneously.

Before that, my experience with SMS was only with my Samsung telephone (And I hate send and receive SMS...)

I am looking for another modem, but I don´t find yet the model of BenQ you said me.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
The result is the same, for a several minutes works fine, and after that I get the same errors.

In some kilometers far away from your office?

lextor wrote
I am looking for another modem, but I don´t find yet the model of BenQ you said me.

Any other than Huawei modem will be good for testing in this case. I mentioned BenQ, because it's very cheap and is delivered within a week at least to Finland. But I do not know how Dealextreme delivers to your country.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke:

About Four or five km.

- I think these is a mix problem between the network and the modem (speccialy the network). For example, today works in the morning with a few errors.

But in the afternoon the situation becomes unworkable.

In this situation is very difficult to find the solution, because, when I make changes in the smsd conf file, I´m not sure that the network conditions are the same.

I´m getting another modems and a hub usb, (for the power problem ), and tell you the results.

Thanks for everything


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
About Four or five km.

Okay, the poor coverage is not a reason.

lextor wrote
- I think these is a mix problem between the network and the modem (speccialy the network). For example, today works in the morning with a few errors.

But in the afternoon the situation becomes unworkable.

They may have some capacity limits, have you contacted the provider within this issue?

lextor wrote
In this situation is very difficult to find the solution, because, when I make changes in the smsd conf file, I´m not sure that the network conditions are the same.

Changes in smsd.conf do not have any remarkable results. When the modem has long delays, while waiting for the response from the network, there is not much to do.

lextor wrote
I´m getting another modems and a hub usb, (for the power problem ), and tell you the results.

Great! I'm waiting... ;)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
If you are still testing, you could upgrade to 3.1.14 which is published now.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke:

I want to discuss with you the new test I made. (with my private version of smsd at today)

- I install the laptop with the smsd running IN MY CAR with one modem, and went away far of my office

- I found differents areas in my trip. Areas of a lot of "500Errors", areas of zero "500Errors", and areas with a medium percentage.

- I have a friend office in one of the area of 0 errors, and I install there the laptop and send a lot of messages of about 8 hours (at 6 or 7 sms per minute).

- After that I tried to increase the number of modems (3), in the same place and again the 500 errors appears.
- I reduce the number of modems to 2, and still get the errors but in minor number.

- To discharge the possibiliy of a smsd problem, I install two differents laptop with one modem each, and obtain the same result. Conclusion ; Is not a smsd problem, is a gsm network problem.

- In the last test. I install again my laptop WITH 3 MODEMS in my car and went out, . In this situation the applications send 16 / 18 sms per minute , without errors, for at least two hours,

Conclusion: I need to install my office in a van or motorhome to obtain goods results. It´s a good way to travel and know new places but it´s not cheap.

I don´t think (with these results), if a change of technology of modems result in a difference. These is a problem of network, (congestion of channels or operator´s strategy to mantain the number of sms or calls in a certain level)

The best solution for me is a distribution of differents machines in differents places and change that as soon as possible.

I wait for your comments. Thanks for all.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Wow! Great to hear that SMSTools3 is now Mobile !!! :) 8) ;)

Actually, it has been "mobile" before, but not with motorhome... ;)

So, if travelling is too expensive, you have to give all of your business to your friend ;). But then you have nothing to do... :(

Okay, it really seems that there are some limiters in the network. Perhaps your operator is controlling you, as you have sent lot of messages... Have you ever contacted your operator? Hard to believe that the network in your town is so weak or congested, but on the other hand, there are 2,8 million or is it 8,7 million people in the area, all sending some SMS every now and then...

Previously, when the 500 appeared, there often was Cell ID changes too. This also suggests that the problem is on the network, or the signal goes too weak. Actually, your signal has not been very good in the main office. Obviously I cannot promise that changing the modem will help, but if I were you, I would try all possibilities.

Distributed smstools network is of course a good solution, but it might be expensive. But in any case, it is interesting.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner

The operators have "speciall offers" to send messages, with a direct connection to the SMSC, but the price of each SMS is about 30 to 50 times to the client. Of course, there is "special clients" (with some relation of the operator), who made the same business of sending SMS, and with a special price.

The only way to play in the same field is to buy simple "packets" of SMS (with a limit time to send it), and send it by modems, but with the results I get.

One more thing: I check the signal and it´s not a relation between the level of the signal and the number of errors.

Now I will change to the latest version of SMSD and continues the tests.

Thanks for your collaboration


Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Keke :

Please help me!

Today when I try to start smsd, I get the following log:

Smsd v3.1.14 started.
Running as Administrador Ninguno.
Infofile /var/run/smsd.working cannot be created No such file or directory
Running startup_check (shell) /var/spool/sms/incoming/smsd_script.wTA49Y /tmp/smsd_data.euwvMf
Done startup_check (shell), execution time 0 sec., status 0 (0)
There was 1 major problem found.
Smsd mainprocess terminated.

Before that I was working with my private smsd, and get the same result. I update the smsd version but nothing happens.

Yesterday I send messages all the day with the same configuration

What can be happen?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
Infofile /var/run/smsd.working cannot be created No such file or directory

A directory /var/run is missing. I do not know why. Yesterday it did exist.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Just for curiosity, what is the situation at the moment? You are traveling with your motor-home, and the network is busy, but is anything changed ;) ?

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke:

Thank you for your concern.

The actual situation is that isn´t one place where I can work with more than one or two modems (in the same or differents machines).

If I work with one modem, the speed of sending is about 5 or 6 sms per minute
When I put two more modems in the same place (in differents machines), the speed decrease to 1 or 2 sms per minute per modem (in fact, the same result with more modems), and the ERROR 500, increase a lot.

The only way I can get 15 or 18 sms per minute, is with 3 machines in different places with one modem each.

When I try to increase one modem in any machine, the speed mantain a good rate for 15 or 20 minutes. After that the ERROR 500 appear again.

The rate changes with the hour of the day too.( in peak hours the situation is worst)


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Okay, as you wrote previously:
The best solution for me is a distribution of differents machines in differents places...

I agree that. But if you have 20 modems running, you will need lot of machines in lot of places and it's problematic to maintain them all.

Assuming that you have lot of friends (in different places) with a PC and broadband connection to internet, you could give single modem for each friend, and install smstools3 to their machines. You could then have a server which gives instructions about what to send for all "clients", and receives log data and incoming messages. However, this may be too complicated because Cygwin must be installed to each client. In practice, this kind of a network may be realistic with "SMSTools3 for Windows", but that kind of a version does not exist.

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