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[answered] compatibility

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Author Post
Sep 2010
Location: buenos Aires, Argentina
Hi, i'm just to buy a Gsm/gprs Multitech Mtmmc-g-f4 Modem, but i would like to be sure if this modem can be used with SMS ST3.
i planning to run over linux Debian/RHEL 5 and start from compiling source distribution.
thanks in advance.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I cannot say anything for sure, because I cannot test every possible device... But this device looks well working, at least with common SMS features. Some special features, like phonecalls, may require some adjustment. As far as I know, many Multitech devices are based on Wavecom chipset, which is good.

Some other models of Multitech ... F4 are reported as well working.

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